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Out of 1,964 votes, 40.48% feels that the must have feature in a Personal Injury Case Management System is the ability to customize! We agree. At the heart of LawAlign, there is a firm belief that not every personal injury firm is the same and customization is a beautiful thing. Each office works up their...


The LawAlign User Dashboard in an invaluable tool for keeping track of all of the essentials. Your tasks, critical dates, documents, reminders, tracked documents, events and cases are at your finger tips. Through the tasks and events you can access your cases and add information to your case through the Task Additionals, without having to...


Organizational overhauls are a significant experience in the life of any law firm. The first step is LawAlign. Successfully reorganizing your office will determine the firm’s performance potential for the future. Smart firms, do not stumble into getting organized, but undertake the organizational overhaul as a deliberate and well-resourced project. We find that most law firms are...


New software often requires attorneys and their staff to learn new procedures, which can be difficult and infuriating. Wouldn’t you rather be working your files and settling your cases? LawAlign has the solution for this problem. Don’t demand that clients learn the basics all over again, such as generating envelopes and labels. Once your case...

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Stop wasting time on searching through notes to remember the trail of settlement negotiations on your cases. Let LawAlign track your goals, demands, and offers, so that you effortlessly and instantly know what transpired previously and never get short-changed. Use LawAlign’s settlement negotiation tab to instantly add, edit or view all prior data. This will...

Hate math? Let LawAlign Do It For You

Personal injury attorneys need to be networkers, rainmakers, staff managers, private investigators, client advocates, case analysts, and so much more. Why would any also want to be accountants and mathematicians? They don’t have to be. Why should they waste valuable time with a calculator or hire someone to do it for them? Our personal injury...