How ToApril 30, 20210

How To Add Insurance Carriers & Adjusters?

Most of the databases work the same way. Below are the steps you will need to follow when adding Insurance Carriers and Adjusters.

Add an Insurance Carrier


  1. Access the Insurance Carrier database from the Menu.
  2. To add a new Insurance Carrier, click on the +New Record at the top of your window. A new Insurance Carrier window will pop up, that you will fill in with your desired information. Once you are done, simply close out of the window. You should see the Carrier that you added in your list.
Add an Adjuster


  1. In the detailed view of your Insurance Carrier, you will see at the bottom left of the page you can add your Adjuster, that will belong to the Insurance Carrier you are in. Alternatively, you can access the entire Adjuster database on the bottom right side of the page and add your new Adjuster through there.
  2. Once you are in the Adjuster database click on the +New Record at the top of the window and fill in your Adjuster information.

The Court, Firm and Medical Provider databases function in the same manner. Judges can be added under the Courts. Attorneys can be added under the Firms and Doctors can be added under the Medical Providers.

LawAlign has compiled a list of Courts, Firms and Medical Providers that will be included with your software for our New York clients. You will be amazed at how much time you and your staff will save by having all of your contact information in one place.


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